Dasvideniel: ildeniel e i russi di Guildford

domenica, luglio 17, 2005

Mysteries under the roof

Our first problem in the new house: a leakage in the toilet, our carpet smelling like hell. Two days after we realized that one of the previous tennants was unable to piss in the toilet... that's why it smells... But this is not the only amazing habit of the previus tennants. To fix the problem I took a trip under the roof, and among dust, chairs, spider webs, I found something interesting... Now the question: why a pair of g-strings in such a place? There is not enough space to do something interesting...


  • Dalla presa, sembrerebbe che dopo ti sei tagliato le 2 dita... ;-)
    Certo le mutande nel sottotetto - ma che abitudini strane hanno gli inglesi?...

    By Anonymous Anonimo, at 9:13 AM  

  • ... mah, ti dico solo che lavano i piatti senza risciacquare. Li lasciano sporchi di sapone... È un piacere risentirti!

    By Blogger Daniele Avitabile, at 9:20 AM  

  • probably midgets!!! hehehe

    visit my blog some time :) and comment

    By Blogger Valerene, at 9:51 AM  

  • I don't agree, the g-strings were too big for a midget...

    By Blogger Daniele Avitabile, at 1:01 PM  

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